In the Limelight with…
Michele de Winton
Welcome Michele and thanks for being part of this blog.
I thought it a good idea to catch up with you and see what
you are up to since the last time I reviewed a book for you. The Boss and her Billionaire was beautifully written and a wonderful romance story.
Author’s Interview Questions
1. Are
you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me
to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters
through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give
a shy smile. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?
Bahahaha. I write
both under my own name and a pseudonym. I do sometimes get this question, but
mostly in the “should I have heard of you” form rather than are you famous. I
usually say I’m world famous in my street.
2. In
general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you
very close-lip about it? If no why?
I love to talk
about my published books, but I’m often a bit more hesitant about work in
progress. Once it’s contracted I’ll chat all day, but I have a thing about
jinxing work until I know it’s actually going to be out there in the world.
3. What
book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?
Rick McCarthy had everything sorted until his CFO and fiancĂ©e Felicity Williams vanishes after an accident. No Felicity means no investors, no business deal, no wedding. Discovering she’s taken work on a cruise ship, Rick is suspicious but determined to bring her home, whatever it takes.
The accident wipes the last five years completely clean for Felicity. Stranded on a deserted Pacific Island with a rich handsome stranger she decides to live out the made-for-Hollywood scenario, only to find Rick is about as far from a stranger as they come. After a trip through The Islands to catch up with the cruise ship and plenty of time to get used to his body, Felicity realizes Rick was right not to confess who he was straight away – she’d have run a mile. But when he reveals what he really needs from her, Felicity must decide whether she can ever trust the man she loves, but can’t remember.
4. Why
this particular genre?
I love contemporary romance.
It’s a nice bite sized dip into romance without too many overriding setting or
character building things to digest before you get to your happy ever after!
5. What
inspire or motivate you to write?
I guess I kinda
just can’t help myself. A couple of writing friends often complain that they’d
like to be cured, from this writing bug, but no matter how tough it sometimes
is, it’s a passionate love affair with words that always draws me back to the
6. What
is the writing process like for you?
It’s a job for
me. I get up and I write. These days I’m usually always on deadline, but I
still have time to sneak in a short story here and there that springs as if
from nowhere – usually from a first line that has stuck with me.
7. What
is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?
your work in print and hearing that it transported readers to somewhere else!
8. Any
advice for struggling writers?
Four things really.
Write. Read. Rewrite. Don’t stop. Seriously, the number of people who have told
me they’d like to write a book but never quite get round to it. Obviously there
are lots of things to learn and craft to hone, but the most important part is
getting words on the page, if you can, everyday.
9. What
is your favorite genre to read or write?
I love
contemporary and paranormal romance at the moment.
10. Favorite
Love Sarah Mayberry, Ruthie Knox and Nalini
11. Do
you have a favorite spot to read and write?
I have an office I write in. I’ve recently had to install
a lock as my Mr One and a Half yanked the cord out of my hard drive and almost
lost all my writing! ARG.
12. What
do you like to do when not writing?
13. Do
you have a bucket list and would you share at least two things on it?
Skydiving, having
a bath in warm milk chocolate, trek the Himalayas, dive the Red
Sea and travel to the Pyramids. There’s still so much of the world
I’d love to see.
14. What
have you done so far on this list?
I have skydived.
I tried to get up into the Himalayas but there was some unrest (I was
travelling overland from India )
so we got turned back. The rest will have to wait its turn.
15. Most
daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share?
My word, I’ve done quite a few things that could be
considered foolish rather than daring! Hitchhiking through India and Malaysia springs to mind. I
certainly wouldn’t do that now and I’m not sure I’d want to hear about it if my
wee ones ever decided they’d give it a go!
16. This
or that questions:
Coffee or Tea – Tea.
Sweet or sour – Ideally
both together.
· Home make meal or takeouts – Home made
Winter or summer – Summer
Night-owl or Early-Bird – Early Bird but only if I have to.
Telephone or visits –
Which social network do you prefer? – Arg. Facebook or Twitter
Blogger or website? Both
What does your family say about your career?
Supportive or Clueless - Supportive
And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by.
is excitement without breath.”
Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would
like the readers to know.
Readers can reach me through
@MicheledeWinton and
I’m also on Goodreads.
My next two books will follow on from The Boss and Her
Billionaire to complete The Pacific
Empress series for Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line.
Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and
the readers.