It has been awhile since I have posted on this blog. And to be honest, I had no clue where to go from the last post, and bring something new to the table-so to speak.
Just as this blog, I myself, did undergo many changes-some good, some bad-but everything is as always a learning curve in once life. Views change, actions change and sometimes we need to change the direction to move forward and take control back in your hands.
This is what is happening with this blog as well.
It is taking a whole new direction. The focus will still be on the authors and their books, but with an added bonus. More about it later.
Due to the many changes I have undergone personally I am forced to think differently about my life and blogging since I spend so many hours here and Inspire to Read blog. It has become imperative for me to have my own income and be independent once again. Although my books are selling, it is not enough to make a living from it and I must make sound decisions about my future and the blogs I have in order for me not only to survive but to prosper. To quite is not an option. After finally finding my calling in life it will be impossible to stop at any point.
In the last few months I am learning a lot about marketing, branding and how it will benefit me and propel me forward. When I spoke to another gentleman about my predicament he introduced me to Amazon's astore. Although a registered member for a long time I never knew about this venture from Amazon. And when he showed me on Skype how easy it was to open, I started immediately; stocking shelves the past few days to get it up and running as soon as possible.
The other leg will be to accept books on a trusted site and sell them just as a normal bookstore would. I am almost done with the legal stuff, but will let you know when it is operational.
So was the Inspire 2 Read bookstore born and I must say I do feel very positive about the new changes. Of course it will cause more work for me, and more time on the computer, but it is a work that I love to do so it would feel like picnic rather work. I really hope that just as in the past that I will have you, the reader's support.
I still plan to interview authors and their books, especially new releases as they come in, so that you will learn more about them and the book. I don't know about you, but when you know more about a author, and really have that connection it is easier to buy a book from that person. Every book has two stories; the one that the author made up, and the one he/she lived while the book was created. It is so easy to pick up a book now a days, but to really connect is another matter entirely. This would be my aim.
Feel free to browse around in side the bookstore, and please do leave a comment or send me a letter on the contact form. All recommendations are welcome. If there is a book you feel your fellow readers should know about please let me know. For now I have stocked the shelves with the books I have read and reviewed over the last two years, as well as the authors books I have seen or promoted on my blog.
Please note: To all authors I have interviewed in the past, if you are looking for your post, the link has changed. Please do not hesitate to ask me about the new link and I will send it to you right back. All the posts are still in tact but just under a new link.