Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Interview with LaQuisha Hall and her new book Positively Bodyful.

Mrs. Essence 2013 | Author | 
Founder of iEAT | LaQuisha Hall

LaQuisha Hall is a woman with a purpose that goes far beyond what is expected of her. She is an award winning community service leader who has served as Mrs. International Beautiful 2012 and now reigning as Mrs. Essence 2013. As an overcomer of low self-esteem due to being naturally thin, a witness of domestic violence, a sexual abuse survivor and an international advocate, LaQuisha actively works to empower women and youth. LaQuisha spends hours locally and abroad mentoring via the Queendom T.E.A. (The Etiquette Academy) program encouraging and teaching teen girls about safety, feminine etiquette and positive self-esteem. LaQuisha is a doctoral candidate who has been educating youth for over a decade. LaQuisha recently launched a journal for young girls, Positively Bodyful.

Please tell us about your latest book.

I wrote a journal for teen girls, Positively Bodyful, to help promote a positive and healthy self-body image. This journal is written from my perspective of being naturally thin, but encourages all girls to be proud of their bodies and who they are as a person. I tried to find books like mine at bookstores to support the girls in my mentoring program whose self-esteem was low from being thin, but these books were non-existent. So, I decided to write it myself!  The girls who are comparing themselves to others or putting themselves down are not alone. As young ladies, they are going through a lot of changes in their bodies and as their bodies change, so does their image of themselves. It is not always easy for our youth to like every part of their looks, but when they get stuck on the negatives it can really bring down their self-esteem. I was teased for being "skinny" throughout my life and I understand their plight. I wrote this journal to encourage girls to use their creativity to keep their mind positive.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I am currently working on creating a Facilitator’s Manual, to accompany Positively Bodyful for those who have girl groups. I am also completing a young adult novel called “Unholy Communions” about a young girl who tries to escape the hands of a pastor who sexually abuses her. This novel is a reflection of my childhood. 

How do we find out about you and your books?  How may readers contact you?

Positively Bodyful can be purchased on Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other book retailers or it can be purchased via my website:

What truly motivates you in general?  In your writing?

I am motivated in general and in writing by all of the young girls I meet through serving as a teacher, beauty queen, mentor and inspirational speaker. This is the reason I created my business, iEAT (Empower. Aspire. Transform.). It pains me to hear my story told of past hurt told back to me by such beautiful, intelligent young girls. I want to inspire them to be victorious in spite of any obstacles they face.

What are some of your favorite things to do?

I love pageantry and I am the reigning Mrs. Essence 2013. I also love being a natural hair and fashion blogger via my blog, Corner Curl Girl. I spend a lot of time supporting my community and being a role model to girls through my mentoring program, Queendom T.E.A. Finally, I enjoy spending time with my super supportive husband of 8 years, Mardis Hall.

About the Book

Are you comparing yourself to others or putting yourself down? If so, you are not alone. As a young lady, you are going through a lot of changes in your body. And, as your body changes, so does your image of yourself. It is not always easy to like every part of your looks, but when you get stuck on the negatives it can really bring down your self-esteem. Written by a woman who was teased for being "skinny" throughout her life, this journal will encourage you to use your creativity to keep your mind positive. Prepare yourself to step into your Queendom!


Purchase the Book Online at:

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Visit the author online at:

Follow on Twitter: @laquisha_hall Hashtag: #PositivelyBodyful
Instagram: @laquishahall

FAB Book Banner LaQuisha Hall

FAB Tours would like to thank you for sharing Mrs. Essence 2013 | Author | Founder of iEAT | LaQuisha Hall gift with the world

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Introducing a new author today: Colleen Green and her new release "Last Words" plus a Giveaway

Colleen Green

Author’s Interview Questions

“Are you famous?” Is the general question I get when family and friends introduce me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filter through my mind but I end up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile, silly I know but the idea unsettles me. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?

No one has asked me if I was famous. Friends and family who hear that I wrote a book seem to want me to become famous. For example, my boyfriend’s stepmother recently said that it would be nice to have a Nicolas Sparks in the family. Although I just said I agreed and nodded, I wished I would have said, “Well then tell everyone you know who reads to buy my book and have them tell everyone they know who reads to buy the book then I might just have a chance at becoming famous.” As an author who is new to readers it is important to get word- of- mouth sales going. Ask people to review your book and post it on as many sites as possible. 

Here is a review of Last Words. My debut romance suspense novel Amber Milestone is a complicated character who really just wants what we all want...happiness. So what is so wrong with that? On the road to happiness, people (family members, even a true love) can be both helpful and disappointing. Reading what ultimately matters to Amber is an emotional, enjoyable journey from beginning to end.
Jay Worthen 

In general, do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no, why?

I like to talk about my writing experience however, I feel as a newbie I have a lot to learn. In this age of self promotion there is lots of room to learn and grow as a writer. Try and try again until you succeed needs to become a slogan of all newbie’s. If something doesn’t bring you sales, then try another method, sooner or later you’ll figure out the path that is right for you. 

What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?

Right now I just finished my debut novel Last Words, a romance suspense novel that isn’t your typical love story. What makes mine different is the ending. My main character is swept away in a love affair that tests her boundaries and how she defines her self worth. I am currently working on the prequel and sequel to Last Words book one in the Amber Milestone series. 

Blurb about book

Jack Hale’s commanding presence and sultry eyes catch Amber’s attention the first time she sees him. She dreams of a future as an executive chef, but from the kitchen of stepfather’s restaurant, she is mesmerized by the dashing man in a stylish business suit. The day he orders dessert and asks her to share it with him, dreams of their life together take hold of her heart. She imagines those few bites of dessert to be the beginning of a storybook romance… little does she know what twisted secrets Jack Hale holds. 

Why this particular genre?

Romance has always intrigued me. Why some relationships work and other don’t is interesting. Fiction tends to be larger than life. We can have that perfect guy after all. Like I said, though my book is different, I believe that is what makes it stand out. I won’t give away the ending but you’ll be satisfied at the end in a surprising way. 

What inspires or motivates you to write?

Creating my own world through writing has been a pleasure. I wanted to do it because it is something I can truly call my own. You write for yourself first. Of course, you have to tweak it to please the masses if you want the fame too, but to go through the process of making a story has to come from a place of pure passion. 

What is the writing process like for you?

I tend to think in terms of plot first. As long as what motivates people to do something comes from a strong emotion then the reader will want to know what comes next. 

How did/do you teach yourself to write?

You study the genre you’re interested in by reading and noticing how the writers you like use words to make you care about someone as if they were real. Surround yourself with friends and editors who will be brutally honest and let you know when you’re onto something and when you need to go back and do revisions. Writing is easier than revising to me. But it is in the revising that your story will take its most true shape. 

What aspect of the craft do you think is most difficult to learn?

I think writing about sex is difficult. It’s more about the emotions than the physical aspects but it is easy to get caught up in positions instead of emotions. I still plan on reading more romance so I can study how this is done. 

What has been the most encouraging comment someone has made about your writing?

A friend said I was brave for writing and publishing. I never had thought of it that way before but she’s definitely right, you have to be brave to craft a story, and then put it out there for people to criticize or fall in love with. Even the most popular writers have their critics, so you have to recognize that not all people like every style of writing. 

What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?

The best part is creating a world that you can call your own. The worst part is trying to figure out how to get the book in the hands of thousand of readers. I’m still trying to figure that part out. Eventually I will and then that part won’t be the worst. 

Do you have any advice for struggling writers?

Surround yourself with people who encourage you to write. You need to learn how to juggle reading, writing, and promoting along with working and spending time with your family. Hopefully the working part will give way to writing full time for a living. 

What is your favorite genre to read or write?

Romance/suspense or family drama 

Favorite author?  V.C. Andrews 

What did you do before you became a writer?

I currently work in the printing industry. I haven’t been able to become a full time writer yet. I just published my debut novel so it could take a few books before I can become a full time writer. 

Was it a life long dream or triggered recently?

It’s always been a life long dream of mine.

Do you have a bucket/ to-do list and would you share at least two things on it?

Finish my sequel to my first book. Sell at least five hundred of my first book. 
Go to Italy. 

This or that questions:

Coffee or Tea - coffee 
Sweet or savory –sweet 
Homemade meal or takeouts – takeouts 
Winter or summer – winter 
Night-owl or Early-Bird – night owl 
 Telephone or visits – visits 
Which social network do you prefer? I don’t have a preference. 
Blogger or website? Both 
What does your family say about your career? Supportive or Clueless
When some of my family bought my book they acted like it was no big deal, that I just poured my heart and soul into this story. No congratulations, no ” I’m proud of you”. My father would have said it but he’s no longer with us. I was understandably hurt. On the other hand, some family and friends have been more willing to say how impressed they are. I think people react different to my accomplishment depending on how well they know me. The better the know me the more excited they are to read my story. 

And Finally Motto/wisdom in life you live by.

If at first you don’t succeed then try, try, try again! 

Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know.
Buy Last Words Author House / Amazon 

I have book club questions on my website
My blog
Facebook Author Page

My rafflecopter contest 

My rafflecopter facebook link

About the Author
Colleen Green graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science in Technology. She lives in Ohio. She started the Dayton Book-n-Cook Club, where she shares her love of cooking and reading.
For more information, visit
Her recipes are on her blog at

Her Cranberry Orange Stuffing & Cranberry Granola Stuffing recipe looks delicious. I will have to try it out. J

Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers. 

Until next time.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wendy Siefken and Charles Siefken are visiting today.

Today I bring you two authors that works together that I have met on Master Koda on Facebook. A mother and son team that writes Young Adult stories. So far they have received good reviews on their books and I am glad to have them here today. Talented and full of life they love the path they are on.
I want to wish them the very best on this journey.

Author’s Interview Questions

      1.       Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile, silly I know but the idea unsettles me. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?

To answer a, no we don’t get that question yet. J What would we say though? Probably that we are just plain old everyday people who just happen to write books!

      2.       In general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?

We love talking about our books, it really seems to be a great conversation starter as well as a way to spread the word. We don’t give the story line away we only want to get them curious about our book enough to read it.

      3.       What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about? 
      We just finished book 2 of Kai’s Journey and have started book three as well as The Chimera Effect and Fallen Angel. We like to bounce around a bit and give ourselves a break from one story to work on another once in a while.

"Kai's Journey" is a story about a young man, set ten years in the future. Kai has spent those years fighting for survival and trying to find a way rid the world of the disease his father created... His father was a military scientist charged with the task of perfecting a formula that would create a superior breed of soldiers. Kai's father accidentally created a race of zombies.  Like a virus, it soon spreads to the entire world, unleashing a period of unsurpassed chaos and conflict.
     In the midst of this turmoil, Kai comes across a young woman named Clover, who is part of a clan traveling across the United States to try to find what is left of humanity. Clover is a part of a clan of werewolves who can turn at will but aren't blood thirsty savages as depicted in general history. . 
     Along the way Kai and Clover come across stragglers who join with the group as they journey across the upper part of what used to be known as North America.
      One night while Kai and Clover were watching a meteor shower they meet a group totally out of this world. Kai and Clover begin a heroic journey, fueled by the increasingly dim hope that somehow, the human race will have a chance to start over.

      4.       Why this particular genre? 
       We love to write in Young Adult genre because mainly it’s a genre we are passionate about and love to see the stories come to life.

.         5.  What inspire or motivate you to write? 

      Everyday life inspires us to write. Anything from a movie, video game, character in a book can and often does inspire us.

      6.       What is the writing process like for you? 

      Charlie is the creator and we work together to flesh out the story and watch it come to life.

      7.       How did/do you teach yourself to write? 

     We are learning the old school way, the school of hard knocks. Neither of us have an education in literature but we both love stories we both knew we needed help with our writings. We found and editor who has been a real blessing and helped us to learn so much more then we could have ever learned on our own.

      8.       What aspect of the craft do you think is most difficult to learn? 

      The editing phase of it. We try really hard to keep our voice in the story and yet please the editor by producing a quality book.

      9.       What has been the most encouraging comment someone has made about your writing? 

      Any good review we get is always encouraging. Friends on Facebook who have encouraged us to keep learning and keep growing. Family members who have stood beside us through thick and thin.

      10.   What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer

      The best part is all of it, the people that we get to meet and the ideas we always seem to come up with. The worst part can sometimes be when someone gives you that look like, “If you are a writer, why haven’t I heard of you?”

      11.   Any advice for struggling writers? Keep learning, keep improving and never ever give up.

      12.   What is your favorite genre to read or write? We both love YA, and pretty any fantasy that lands in our hands.

      13.   Favorite author? For Charlie it is Christopher Paolini and for me it is Terry Brooks

     14.   Do you have a favorite spot to read and write? 

     Charlie likes to write pretty much where ever an idea strikes him. I like to write in our recliner that we have in front of the computer.

      15.   What did you do before you became a writer? Charlie was still in school and I was a mom who worked many different jobs outside the home.

      16.   Was it a life long dream or triggered recently?

      I have always loved to tell stories and Charlie has always liked listening to me tell stories about him and his brother and sister fighting dragons and ogres and any other evil forces out there.

      17.   What do you like to do when not writing? 
      I like to visit with friends, garden and sit by a camp fire. Charlie likes to spend time with his girlfriend, his friends and online gaming.
      18.   Do you have a bucket/ to-do list and would you share at least two things on it? For Charlie and I both we would like to take a trip up across Canada and take the route that Kai took in our book. We would both also like to take the family to Hawaii and spend 2 weeks there.

      19.   Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share? 

      Most daring thing I have done was snorkeling in Hawaii and for Charlie he has enrolled in College. He never liked school and always swore he would never go back. He is really enjoying it.
     20.   This or that questions:
            ·         Coffee or Tea –Me, tea, Charlie, water
            ·         Sweet or savory – both, savory
            ·         Home make meal or takeouts –  Home make meal for both of us
            ·         Winter or summer – we both like winter
            ·         Night-owl or Early-Bird –  I am an early bird, Charlie is a night owl
            ·         Telephone or visits –  visits
            ·         Which social network do you prefer? Me I prefer Facebook, Charlie prefers online gaming.
            ·         Blogger or website? Blogger for me, Charlie doesn’t do either.
            ·         What does your family say about your career? Supportive or Clueless Our whole family is very supportive of our career. They love that we are taking a chance on our dreams of becoming a writer.

And Finally

Moto/wisdom in life you live by. 

We definitely live by the simple rule of Never Give Up.

Buy Links for the Books on Amazon

Contact details for the authors.

Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers.