Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mira West

Mira West 

Welcome and thanks for agreeing and being part of this blog. 
It’s my pleasure.

I thought it was a good idea to catch up with you and see what you are up to since the last time I reviewed A Dead Game. I met Mira on Bookblogs if I remember correctly back in January. She were asking for a review and I responded to her post.
An interesting lady, good story teller and a person that loves life.


There is an illusion of glamour in the casino—a façade in which a person knows nothing but what they see. A Dead Game is based on true events of my experience in the business. It revolves around the kingpin of a drug cartel who was covertly operating from within the greedy confines, until a woman changed everything. A spellbinding romantic suspense that will captivate both men and women.

My 5 Star review can be found here. Excellent book that kept you glued to the book until the very last page.

                Interview Questions:

      1.       Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends.
 No, although sometimes you feel as if you are. It depends on the crowd of people you’re with.

      2.       In general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why? 

If writing is your passion it becomes a part of you. I happen to love the craft, so my current project usually finds its way into a conversation more times than not.

   3.       What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about? 

The novel I’m currently writing, which is close to completion, has not been officially titled. It keeps changing.  Originally, it was titled White House Fax Affair. However, the political connotation has me wary. So, I changed it to Sacrificial Sins.  When I finish it, maybe something different.  Projected to be released this fall.

   4.       Any advice for struggling writers? 

I believe all writers struggle with something.  When I decided to publish a novel, rather than store it on my “dream” list, the struggle began. The ability to tell a good story was never a deterrent. That came natural; I guess an inherent trait from my grandparents. However, everything in which portrays you as a good writer was the struggle. For me, reading bestselling novels taught me the vital fundamentals about the skill.  Each had an individual style, voice and cadence. It’s necessary to find your own and perfect it. This for me is the true struggle, which may never find peace, but it makes the journey fun.

A Dead Game is available in all bookstores and website:

Formats: paperback, hardcover, ibook, kindle and nook.
I have two published children’s books: 
If Beaumont Could Speak and Sun Sprinkles. 
They are available in all book stores and on websites: 

Contact email:

Book signing at Vermilion Valley Vineyards in November 2012. 

Thanks for being part of the blog Mira.
I would love that view, it must be soothing to look at and fill you with more creative plots to write. 
We are looking forward to more books out of your pen. 
Best wishes.

Next time my guests will be 
May Nicole Abbey
A Sister team
June 09, 2013

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