In the Limelight with…..
June Kramin
Welcome and thanks for agreeing and being part of this blog. The first book I have read of June was Double Mocha, Heavy on Your Phone Number, a Contemporary Romance that I really liked. You can read more about my Review HERE
Thanks for asking me!
I thought it a good idea to catch up with you and see what
you are up to since the last time I reviewed a book for you and was also part of the Book Barrage that CBLS Promotions held for your new release Money didn't buy her Love where you can stand a chance to win a copy
Good idea. I’m always up to no good! ;)
I have been busy
putting out 2 Women’s fiction a year as well as 2 in my middle grade series.
There is still plenty on my laptop to keep me going for a while. There is
always something at that “beat it to a pulp & submit it” stage. I’m
currently sitting on eight women’s fiction novels and 4 books in my middle
grade series published. One more of each is scheduled for November.
Author’s Interview Questions
you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me
to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters
through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give
a shy smile. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?
usually get “This is my friend the famous author.” I reply with, “Not yet, but thanks.” There is
a big misconception about writing. I try
not to give out too many gory details about all the work involved, just that
I’m still plugging away every day.
1. In
general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you
very close-lip about it? If no why?
talk to anyone that asks. I love to share what I have learned over the years
with someone that wants to know. I won’t approach someone new & just start
blurting the fact that I’m a writer. I love that at signings, at least one
writer always shows up. Not to buy your book, to ask you how you did it.
2. What
book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?
working on a sequel to a thriller. I don’t have #1 published yet, but part 2
was nagging at me so I’m going while the spirit (or muse) moves me. My MC, Hailey,
stumbles on a bag of money and Parker helps her flee when the men involved come
after her. The twists and turns it took
surprised even me. The way I tied them together and the things I put them
through honestly made this one of my favorites. Thriller are more my thing.
There is still a slight romantic element, of course, but a lot more action.
My May 25th release is Money Didn’t Buy Her Love.
Blurb: Trying to get his bearings on an unfamiliar street and not paying
attention, Jeremy slams his breaks to avoid hitting the most beautiful bride he
has ever seen. When Danielle climbs in his truck, he assumes she’s in a hurry
to get to her wedding; he didn’t realize she was escaping one. He agrees to let
her return to his apartment so she can call for help, only she refuses to
As the days pass, Jeremy finds it harder to fight off her passes
and claims of falling in love with him. Besides having almost ten years on her,
Jeremy discovers the family secret she had been trying to hide. How could the
daughter of a billionaire settle for a plumber living paycheck to paycheck?
Despite every tactic her father throws at her and an ex-fiancé who
refuses to let her go, Dani stakes her claim to the only thing she has ever
truly wanted in her life and fights to make Jeremy hers.
3. Why
this particular genre?
don’t know what it is about me that loves to write feisty women. Or maybe it’s
that I like to write men that love them unconditionally despite it. In any
case, the romance genre is what steals my heart when I write.
4. What
inspire or motivate you to write?
have to say the characters. Every novel starts with 1 simple idea – the
characters take it from there. In this book, all I envisioned was a guy
slamming his brakes to avoid hitting someone not paying attention. Suddenly she
was in a wedding dress. Dani’s character grew from there. I love when I get
unexpected twists. It’s like I’m reading it - not writing it.
5. What
is the writing process like for you?
I get to settle into my writing, I read the last page or so to see where I left
off and then just keep going. I’m not an outliner at all. Rarely do I have a
few notes that I want to follow or somewhere in particular I need it to go. It
gets there when it’s darn good and ready.
6. What
is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?
course when someone loves your story, thanks you for the great read or great
cry – it’s awesome. When someone picks apart something small, as if they read
it with just that intention, it burns. You know going in that not everyone is
going to like your work but it’s still a downer, no matter how much you think
it’s coming.
7. Any
advice for struggling writers?
guess the old “Don’t give up” is what holds true. Hearing “No” constantly wears
you out. Putting yourself out there takes guts. You have to be ready for
rejection & criticism. You may think you’re a patient person, but nothing
can compare you to waiting for everything & the one thing you want is just
one step away. And then one more. Shampoo, rise, repeat.
8. What
is your favorite genre to read or write?
suspense/thrillers are what I have been leaning to lately. I’ll always have
some romantic element, but I love the “Biting your nails, can’t wait to see
what happens to bad guy” element.
9. Favorite
Sandford. I love to follow a series. I didn’t think I’d be a cop-thriller kinda
gal, but I just love following his characters.
10. What
do you like to do when not writing?
weather permits – you’ll find me on my dog, Ringo. Shhh… I haven’t told him
he’s a horse.
11. Do
you have a bucket list and would you share at least two things on it?
really don’t have one. The only thing I really would love to do is travel. Pick
any country with cool history & castles. Maybe someday time and money will
allow it.
12. Most
daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share?
not much of a thrill seeker anymore. Growing up on Maui, there was always
something for us to do that was dangerous or illegal. Jumping off bridges that
people had been paralyzed doing just that, swimming through underground tunnels
where people have drowned …. Yeah. Stuff you don’t tell Mom about for sure.
Always wanted to hang glide or skydive but never got around to it. Now I don’t
want to. LOL
13. This
or that questions:
Coffee or Tea - Coffee
Sweet or sour – Sour
Home make meal or takeouts – homemade
Winter or summer – summer
Night-owl or Early-Bird – gah. Neither. To bed
early & would love to sleep late!
Telephone or visits – visits.
Which social network do you prefer? Facebook
Blogger or website? website
What does your family say about your career?
Supportive or Clueless
Most family is very supportive. I have an aunt that buys 12
copies every time I get something in print. Of course Mom & Dad want one as
well as another aunt & uncle on my hubby’s side. Some just aren’t into it,
though, & I just let it go and never bring it up. Clueless is a good word
for some. They don’t get “me” the person (in case you didn’t get the memo,
writers are odd) so they don’t think they’d be in to what I “do” with that.
And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by.
“The ultimate secret in life is the sure knowledge of death,
for without it man would not strive to leave his mark upon the earth.” ~ Sarah
Jessica Parker – Somewhere Tomorrow
Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would
like the readers to know.
Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and
the readers.
Thanks for having me! Happy Reading!
Well our time is up and I want to thank June and my guests for visiting today. Please remember to support the authors and leave a comment we love the interaction and connection with readers.
Next week on
In the Limelight with...
Ute Corbone
Until then