In the Limelight with….. M.C.V Egan
Welcome Catalina and thanks for being part of this blog celebration.
I thought it a good idea to catch
up with you and see what you are up to since the last time we spoke.
I met Catalina through all the various social networks on the Internet and she was gracious enough to give me my first real Interview so I thought I want to invite her to this blog as well. This is what I like about the writers community from the day I got involved; the fact that we help each other out. With one goal to promote each other through our various links and associates. Benefiting each other as best we can.
So here is my Interview questions she had to fill in. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
1. Are you famous? Is the general question I get when family and
friends introduce me to their friends.
It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my
mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy
smile. Silly I know but what else am I suppose to say.
(a)Does this happen to you and
(b) What do you say?
If I do get a comment like that I say soon I hope!
However I tend to get more “I bet you will be famous someday” and I have two
standard answers.
A. From your mouth to God’s ears.
B. All the psychics who helped on The Bridge of Deaths seem very certain that I will be famous
someday. Of course it cannot happen soon enough for me!
2. In general do you like to talk about you
writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?
I strongly believe that writers should talk about
their work; the process, how they gather information and any other sort of
research. Once a book is out there it is imperative to market. I am constantly marketing, I always have
cards with me and I market on-line.
I find many
bloggers like to ask about WIP (works in progress) I am tight-lipped about
that, I feel that it hinders progress to discuss a project. Perhaps I also
prefer to keep my work ‘secret’ until it is finished.
3. What book are you currently writing and what is it about?
Now this is too funny! I had not seen this question
when I answered above. But I do have a book 4covert2overt
in 33 Days that should be ready soon.
I have a co-author Jolie DeMarco our target release
date is September 21st, 2013 but I think it may be sooner, at least
the e-book.
It is very different from my previous work. The book
is about a young woman’s journey in search of peace of mind, with the back drop
of the global concern for soldier’s moral dilemmas.
I have a project that I will start soon with yet another
co-author and this one will be all TRUE CRIME. I cannot work on more than one
writing project at a time.
4. Why this particular genre?
I choose a subject and write. I do not target a
genre and I ended up with a unique cross genre.
I wonder if 4covert2overt in 33
Days will also be considered cross-genre. I think it may well qualify as
Chick-Lit but it does have different elements.
5. What inspires or motivates you to write?
Everything inspires me, but watching people on the
beach, at a Starbucks anywhere inspires me most. I always put a story behind a
6. What is the writing process like for you?
It varies, but the one consistent is that I like to
be prepared; once I choose a subject I research A LOT! I write a combination of lists and outlines
and once I feel I have found what I need create a tentative outline. I find
that stories can surprise the writer as much as the reader and that it is best
to go with the flow and let the characters guide me.
7. What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?
The best part is writing and the worst
part is marketing.
8. Any advice for struggling writers?
Never give up and remember that everyone is unique
and therefore you are no-one else will tell the story the way you do.
9. What is your favorite genre to read or write?
I cannot choose I enjoy a wide
10. Favorite author?
W. Sommerset Maugham.
11. Do you have a favorite spot to read and write?
I write at home, I do have a special room, but as I have
gotten used to the laptop I write ANYWHERE. I can read ANYWHERE especially now
that I have a Kindle, but I do have a preference to be cozy and comfy, so a
nice fluffy couch.
12. What do you like to do when not writing?
I love to travel with my family, I love to go for
long walks, I love to cook, I LOVE to read, I like arts and crafts. I really
enjoy going to the movies and we have a fun wide variety of cinemas in my area.
13. Do you have a bucket list and would you share at least two
things on it?
I have a very long bucket list and it includes many
places I wish to visit. I would love to become athletic, but I seem to lack the
stamina and discipline.
14. What have you done so far on this list?
I had an amazing ride on a Hot Air Balloon with my
son in Arizona. I also had a great helicopter ride to land on a glacier with my
son and husband in Alaska; as I said I am not sporty so climbing a Glacier was
not an option.
15. Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to
I think that having the courage to put myself out
there as a writer is the most daring thing I have ever done. Allowing anyone
and everyone to have an opinion on what is near and dear to me. It takes very
thick skin and a lot of courage.
16. This or that questions:
• Coffee or Tea - Both and often
• Sweet or sour – Sweet
• Homemade meal or takeout – Homemade (I love to cook)
• Winter or summer – I miss winter! South Florida is always summer.
• Night-owl or Early-Bird – Night-Owl trying to become an early bird.
• Telephone or visits – Nothing can replace human contact.
• Which social network do you prefer? Facebook
• Blogger or website? They serve such different purposes.
• What does your family say about your
or Clueless? Supportive
And Finally Moto/wisdom
in life you live by.
Life is what you make it so make it great.
Contact details
and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know.
Our Time is up but thanks once
again for your willingness to share with me and the readers Catalina. It was great to learn more about you. I must say I agree I do not like to talk about my current work. It feels very personal and to market myself takes a lot from me since I am very private.
As always support the authors, buy their books, give a good review and talk about them.
Our guest for April 18, 2013 will be
Rachel Brimble
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