In the Limelight with author Margaret Lesh
Welcome and thanks for agreeing and being part of this blog.
I thought it a good idea to catch up with you and see what
you are up to since the last time I reviewed a book for you. My review for Finding a man for Sylvia can be find here, please like it on Amazon.
This is also a very great day to you and I am honored to be part of this event, the release of your new book Normalish
Author’s Interview Questions
1. Are
you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduce me
to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filter
through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give
a shy smile. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?
I’ve never been asked this question. If
someone did ask me, I’d probably tell them that I’m a legend in my own mind,
then laugh.
2. In
general do you like to talk about your writing and published books or are you very
close-lip about it? If no why?
don’t mind talking about what I’m writing, but I usually wait until someone
asks me a question. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll bore people if I talk about
myself too much.
3. What
book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?
My current project is actually non-fiction,
my book Let Me Get This Off My Chest: A
Breast Cancer Survivor Over-Shares.
It’s a collection of essays, anecdotes, life lessons, and tips surrounding my
two bouts with breast cancer. It should be available for purchase on Amazon in
July of 2013.
When I have something on my mind, I have to
get it down on paper, or else I’ll keep running it around in my head, and then I
won’t be able to sleep at night.
5. What
is the writing process like for you?
For the most part, enjoyable, even exciting
when I’m on a roll and the words are flowing. I’ll usually think of my next
chapter, plotting it out in my head, and then I’ll get it down on paper. I edit
as I go, then rewrite a few more times before sending my manuscript to my beta
readers for their critiques and feedback.
6. What
is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?
The best part is creating something new and
telling the story. The worst part? Waiting to hear back from a publisher or
agent on a submission. And then there’s the dreaded rejection, which is
something all writers must deal with at one point or another.
7. Any
advice for struggling writers?
Keep writing, and remain open and receptive to criticism. Learn from what your writing group or critique partners have to say. Keep polishing and rewriting! Also, read other books in the genre you’re interested in to learn what other successful authors have done.
8. What
is your favorite genre to read or write?
I have very broad taste, and I’ll read
anything that’s written well. Historical fiction, women’s fiction, romance, science
fiction, young adult, middle grade, some thrillers. Right now I’m reading a
graphic novel that I borrowed from my son, V
For Vendetta by Alan Moore.
9. Favorite
Jane Austen, Leon Uris, Amy Tan, and Anne
Lamott are some of my favorites.
10. Do
you have a favorite spot to read and write?
I like to write in a corner of my living
room where I can be close to the action. My favorite spot to read is at night
in bed.
11. What
do you like to do when not writing?
I enjoy spending time with my family, I
like to garden when the weather is nice, and I spend way too much time on the
12. Do
you have a bucket list and would you share at least two things on it?
Not so much a bucket list, but I would
really like to travel, especially to Europe, when I have two things: time and
13. Most
daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share?
Funding my current book project Let Me Get This Off My Chest through
Kickstarter. I was incredibly nervous, but my initial funding goal was reached
in less than twenty-four hours. I wanted to self-publish this book because it
is so personal, but I didn’t want to do it alone. I wanted to feel like I had a
whole group of people behind me and supporting my project, which is why I chose
to use Kickstarter. So far, it’s been very successful.
14. This
or that questions:
Coffee or Tea - Coffee
Sweet or sour – Sweet
Home make meal or takeouts – Homemade
Winter or summer – Summer
Night-owl or Early-Bird – Night owl
Telephone or visits – Visits
Which social network do you prefer? Facebook
Blogger or website? Both
What does your family say about your career?
Supportive or Clueless?
They’re very supportive. In fact, my art
director husband helps me with the technical side of things like my website and
blog. He’s also the book designer and will be doing all of the layout for my
current book.
And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by.
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” ~ Dalai
Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would
like the readers to know.
Fifteen-year-old Stacy questions the strange world of high school, family, friends, love, and her role in the universe.
People tell you high school's so great and wonderful, but they're lying. It's mostly horrible and full of disappointment. It sucks. Your best friend abandons you. The jerk you're in love with pretends to be into you, and then the big dump. The boy you've really clicked with as a friend decides to go all crushy over you, so you break his heart just like yours was—smashed into little pieces. Your sister goes mental , and you get involved with an older guy who’s even crazier than she is (who you know is a very bad idea, but you do it anyway). Math only adds another stink of failure to the whole thing.
High school blows. Just ask freshman Stacy. She’d want you to know.
People tell you high school's so great and wonderful, but they're lying. It's mostly horrible and full of disappointment. It sucks. Your best friend abandons you. The jerk you're in love with pretends to be into you, and then the big dump. The boy you've really clicked with as a friend decides to go all crushy over you, so you break his heart just like yours was—smashed into little pieces. Your sister goes mental , and you get involved with an older guy who’s even crazier than she is (who you know is a very bad idea, but you do it anyway). Math only adds another stink of failure to the whole thing.
High school blows. Just ask freshman Stacy. She’d want you to know.
My YA novel Normalish will be on sale for 99 cents
from April 14th to April 30th on Amazon and Barnes &Noble:
My website:
Thanks once again Margaret for your willingness to share with me and
the readers.
As always please support our authors.
Lynelle, thank you so much for hosting me today!
ReplyDeleteAll best, Margaret
It was great having you here Margaret. Take care
DeleteHope the Amazon promo keeps you shooting up the ratings, Margaret.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jane. Thank you for stopping by!
Deleteawesome Q&A....:)
ReplyDeleteHi, Trudy. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anonymous! :)
DeleteWishing you much success with all of your projects! Having read your fiction and loved it (both YA NORMALISH and chick lit-ish FINDING A MAN FOR SYLVIA), I can't wait for LET ME GET THIS OFF MY CHEST. Wonderful project!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Rhea! I know I've said it before, but I wish I could clone you! <3
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, Margaret! Good luck with your new book.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Rita! I appreciate it. :)