Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Interview with Kristen Beairsto

In the Limelight with…
Kristen Beairsto

Welcome and thanks for agreeing and being part of this blog.

I thought it a good idea to catch up with you and see what you are up to since the last time I reviewed a book for you. Going after the heart was really one of my favorites for this year.
You can read more about my thoughts HERE.

Author’s Interview Questions
1.       Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?

It's only happened a couple of times and each time I just responded without thinking: "Kind of, I'm trying to be, let's put it that way". J

2.       In general do you like to talk about your writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?

For the most part, I enjoy talking about my books and my experiences publishing.  It really just depends on the people I'm with.  I try to be very careful about not coming off too pushy about trying to sell my books, so if I get the feeling people don't want to hear about it, then I'll share what I do in basic terms and leave it at that.  If encouraged, I could go on for hours.  LOL!

3.       What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?

I'm working on the first book of a new series.  It's the first time I've ever attempted a series, so I'm very excited!  It's about five friends who are jokingly considered to be the mafia, or Momfia since they're all moms, of their own small town.  Each book will feature one of the friends while they deal with issues as a group and individually and of course, each will find themselves having to figure out their love life.

4.       Why this particular genre?

While I love a wide variety of genres, there's something I've always found soothing about the romance genre.  I've always been a sucker for happy endings.  Since I was a teenager, I've turned to romance novels to put me in a better mood and I hope one day someone can use my books to do the same.

5.       What inspires or motivates you to write?

Since I was a kid, I've had stories rolling around in my head.  Writing out those stories basically keeps me sane as an adult. J

6.       What is the writing process like for you?

It can be a little stressful.  I still have a day job plus I'm married and have two kids, so to say I'm busy would be a little bit of an understatement.  When it comes to writing, I have to try and scrape together whatever time I can find to work.  It can be a little stressful if I'm struggling with a story and I can't devote my full attention to it.

7.       What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?

The best part, hands down, is having a reader tell you that they loved your story and that they could really relate to your characters.  The worst, for me, is the balancing act I have to do right now because of how many things I have going on.  I always feel like I'm dropping the ball on something.  But, it's not enough to make me give up. J

8.       Any advice for struggling writers?

Cultivate patience and never stop developing your craft.  You're always waiting for something, get used to it.  And there is always something new to learn and room for improvement.

9.       What is your favorite genre to read or write?

This month, I've been reading a lot of historical romances.  But I also love to read contemporary and paranormal romances.  My favorite to write is contemporary romances because I love taking ordinary people and putting them in extraordinary circumstances.

10.   Favorite author?

Today, it's Christina Dodd.  I'm sure tomorrow it'll be different. ; )

11.   Do you have a favorite spot to read and write?

My favorite spot to write is my little desk that's in my walk-in closet.  My favorite spot to read is on my bed in my room with the door closed, possibly locked depending on what my kids are doing and how good of a book I'm reading. LOL!

12.   What do you like to do when not writing?

Although I don't have a ton of time to do much else, I love all kinds of crafts and spending time with my family.  I'm also a huge New York sports fan.

13.   Do you have a bucket list and would you share at least two things on it?

I don't really have a list, but if I had one, two things that would be on it would be to visit every state in the US and try running a marathon.

14.   What have you done so far on this list? 

I don’t really have an official list, but some of the things I wanted to do at one point that I’ve gotten to do is try archery, finished my Master’s, and completed a half marathon.

15.   Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share?

Hmmmm, I’m really not sure.  At this point, I think the most daring thing I’ve done was host a slumber party for my older daughter’s 7th birthday with 9 seven year olds in a small townhouse and survived with only a couple of emotional scars. ; )

16.   This or that questions:
·         Coffee or Tea - Coffee
·         Sweet or sour –Sweet
·         Home make meal or takeouts –  home made
·         Winter or summer –  summer
·         Night-owl or Early-Bird – early bird
·         Telephone or visits – visits
·         Which social network do you prefer?  Facebook
·         Blogger or website? Website
·         What does your family say about your career? Supportive or Clueless -- Totally supportive, they became my own sales team without me ever asking. J

And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by. 

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans -- John Lennon

Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know.

Contact Links:

Going After the Heart buy links:

Going After the Heart Blurb

Lizzy Bergstrum thought she finally reached a point in her life when she could honestly say she had it all.  A thriving writing career.  A wonderful daughter.  And a marriage to the love of her life.  But looks can apparently be deceiving because her husband just walked out on her and their eight year old daughter hates her.

Gavin Bergstrum can’t handle the direction his life has taken.  Not only did he get laid off from his job, but his wife seems to barely remember he exists.  Convinced he’s tried his best to change things, he begins to wrestle with the possibility of divorce.  But he can’t think straight in the same house as Lizzy.  Hating to leave his daughter, but needing time to think and come to terms with what he feels he needs to do, Gavin decides to return to his small home town in Oregon and stay at his family ranch with his father and brothers.

In shock, Lizzy gives Gavin his space.  But as time passes and he doesn’t say a word about their marriage, Lizzy decides it’s past time she takes matters into her own hands.  Without a word, she follows Gavin to Oregon.

Now facing a daughter who blames her for everything, an irritated husband, and a small town that feeds on the drama, Lizzy finds herself trying to figure out how to convince Gavin to give her another chance, teach her daughter it takes two to make a successful marriage, and overcome her own insecurities – all without compromising who she is.

Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers.

Thank you so much for having me!

Next time on In the Limelight with
Julien Ayotte
May 19, 2013

Until then

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