Friday, May 10, 2013

Interview with Tracy Kauffman

In the Limelight with…
Tracy Kauffmann

I met Tracy on Twitter and we decided to exchange our books for reviews and Interviews for more exposure. For those who are reluctant or do not think that Social Networking works, let me correct your works. I have met wonderful people on the different sites. Yes it is hard work to be on all of them and say something interesting. Yes it takes lost of time and effort but at the end you meet people you would have never met. Get out of your comfort zone and broaden your horizon. And of course it is good marketing all things you as a author would need to advance yourself.

This is what she had to say. 

Author’s Interview Questions

1.    Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile, silly I know but the idea unsettles me. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say? 

      I just smile even though I know I am far from that.  It does make me feel good for people to think that because getting a book published is a big accomplishment but I never liked the acknowledgement of it.  Which means I don’t think anyone should take too much pride in anything they do. I owe everything I am to my Heavenly Father.

2.            In general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?

 I like to try to help others get their books published but I make sure that  they know that I  am far from being an expert.  I don’t think any author no matter how long they have been writing are considered experts.  Writing takes time, preparation and lot of editing.  To quote Robert Benchley, “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous.”

3.            What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about? 

I don’t have just one thing that I am writing.  I have multiple things that I am working on.  I guess it is whichever gets finished first will go to the publishers.

4.            Why this particular genre? 

I like young adult genre because it is the time when a person is trying to decide who they are.  They are searching for their identity.  This is the nurse part of me speaking.  In Erikson’s theory, Identity vs. role confusion, an adolescent will re-examine his identity and try to find out exactly who he is by looking at career, relationships, their role in life.  I have always stated that I want to encourage, edify and inspire others and writing for adolescents is the best place to start.

5.    What inspire or motivate you to write? 

      Helping and teaching others inspires me.  Books are not only for entertainment but they have been life’s lessons.

     6.    What is the writing process like for you? 

      I write as I go.  I used to brainstorm but now I just sit and write.  I write as things come to me.  Sometimes I research parts of the story that I don’t know much about.  In Southern Attraction I researched some about tornadoes.  I had experienced first hand the aftereffects of the ones that went through in April of 2011 but wanted to explore other peoples’ reactions to the storm.

      7.    What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer? 

       The best is reaching people around the world.  The worst is trying to promote my writing.

8.    Any advice for struggling writers? Stay motivated and don’t give up.

9.    What is your favorite genre to read or write? I love the Young adult genre.

10.  Favorite author? I have several but Jeff Buick’s writing is a masterpiece.

11.  Do you have a favorite spot to read and write?  Usually in my bedroom at night when it is quiet.

12.  What did you do before you became a writer? I am a registered nurse in Alabama.

13.  Was it a life long dream or triggered recently? 

      When I was young I wanted to be a writer but when my son left home for the Air Force I began to really try to write something worth publishing.

14.  What do you like to do when not writing? 

      That is hard to say because if I am not writing I’m usually on my computer writing for my blog, marketing, etc…   I took computers too in school so I love computers, the internet, etc.

15.  Do you have a bucket/ to-do list and would you share at least two things on it? 

      I wanted to be an author and that one is accomplished.  Another one was to be on television.  I was in a commercial so that one was done too.  Another one was to own my own business.  So I have lived my dreams so far.  If I had to create a new one would be: To travel around the world.

16.  What have you done so far on this list? Mostly everything. Great! **smile**

17.  Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share? 

      I climbed bluffs when I was younger without a rope.  Wouldn’t do it now!

18.  This or that questions:
·    Coffee or Tea - tea
·    Sweet or sour – sweet
·    Home make meal or takeouts – takeout
·    Winter or summer – summer
·    Night-owl or Early-Bird – night owl
·    Telephone or visits – visits
·    Which social network do you prefer? Twitter
·    Blogger or website? Both

And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by.

Those that abides in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  
Which means the closer we rely on God, the more he takes care of us.

Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know.

Website:  Amazon Buy Link:
Blogs:  and

It was great to meet you and have you on my blog. Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers.

Your Host Lynelle Clark

Next time in The Limelight with
Nancy S.Thompson
May 12, 2013


  1. Very inspiring!
    James M. Copeland

  2. Thank you James for stopping by. Great to meet you.
