Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lea Cherry author of The Rose of Cavendish plus an Excerpt

Welcome and thanks for being part of this blog. I met Lea on The Book Launch in October 2012, another South African Author and her new release The Rose of Cavendish and although I have not read her book yet **smile** I thought it a good idea to interview her on my blog. Here is what she has to say.

Lea Cherry, Lynelle Clark, sandra Valente, Carlyle Labuschagne, Leandi Cameron and Maggie Tideswell

Author’s Interview Questions

      1.       Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile, silly I know but the idea unsettles me. (a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I’m never quite sure what to say. It feels like there’s no right answer to give. If you give a shy reply, people think you’re new at this and can’t be very good. But if you seem too confident, you may come across as arrogant. I wonder how Stephen King handles it.

      2.       In general do you like to talk about you writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?

It would depend on who I talk to. Some people, like true friends, will really be interested without being judgmental and they won’t steal ideas. While others might not be as friendly. Overall I choose to keep a close-lip on it…nobody likes a bragger.

      3.       What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?

I’m sort of working on multiple work right now. I’m writing the follow up of The Rose of Cavendish called The Memory of Cavendish as well as The Soul Sisters Saga, which you’ll have to wait and see, while studying part time at UNISA.

4.       Why this particular genre?

Fantasy has always intrigued me. I’ve always loved the YA section with its vampires and werewolves, Ghosts and witches. So I just decided to write on what interests me.

      5.       What inspire or motivate you to write?

A new idea. Whether it is an idea for a current book or a new book, I write it down so that I can use it later. Music also inspires me. When I hear a song that will fit perfect with a scene in the book, I find the words to the song and the song itself in order to help me when that scene appears.

      6.       What is the writing process like for you?

I plan out the idea for the book first, from beginning to end. Then I start writing. As I’m writing, ideas come to me for previous scenes or future scenes which I will note down and add later. After each chapter, I revise my work and add or remove what doesn’t work. When the book is done, I send it to a trusted friend to review and tell me what is missing and what doesn’t work.

      7.       What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?

The best part of being a writer is probably writing. To tell the story that’s been swimming in your mind and soul and to see the finished product out there for others to enjoy. The worst part I would say is trying to balance everything, work, writing, family. The hardest part is trying to make time for everything.

      8.       Any advice for struggling writers?

Write and never give up. Accept advice from trusted friends, not the pretentious ones who are actually jealous, but true friends that can tell you like it is.

       9.       What is your favorite genre to read or write?

My favorite genre would be Fantasy, paranormal, YA and Horror/Thriller. I love the mysticism suspense of it all.

      10.   Favorite author?

How can you choose only one? I like authors like James Patterson, Richelle Mead, Stephenie Meyer, Jana Oliver, Mary Ting, Carlyle Labuschagne etc. Too many to actually mention.

      11.   Do you have a favorite spot to read and write? Share a photo if you have

I can read and write anywhere. Whenever the mood strikes…That’s why I always carry my things with me. Ipad for the books and for writing.

      12.   What did you do before you became a writer?

My lifestyle hasn’t really changed much…I made new friends with other great authors and book enthusiasts.

      13.   Was it a life long dream or triggered recently?

I’ve always written stories. Short tales mostly but just for fun. But my need to write a novel from beginning to end was triggered recently when my husband dared me to put my creativity to good use and write.

      14.   What do you like to do when not writing? 

I enjoy reading and playing with my beautiful baby who’s only 5 months old. So she takes most of my ‘spare’ time.

      15.   Do you have a bucket/ to-do list and would you share at least two things on it?

I think everyone has a bucket list. I haven’t really written anything down and in no particular order. But two things I would still love to do is skydiving and going to Scotland.

      16.   What have you done so far on this list?

Checked off on my list would be swimming with the dolphins and going to Egypt. Two of my childhood things. But now I can also add written a novel and getting it published.

      17.   Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share?

So far the most daring things would be the rides on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. Talk about exciting. Haven’t done anything more thrilling than that yet. I also managed to go to Hollywood last year to pitch my book to Hollywood Producers. It’s a new kind of thrill.

      18.   This or that questions:
        ·         Coffee or Tea - Coffee
        ·         Sweet or sour – Both
        ·         Home make meal or takeouts – Home cooked (my husband makes great food)
        ·         Winter or summer –  Summer
        ·         Night-owl or Early-Bird – Night owl
        ·         Telephone or visits – Visits
        ·         Which social network do you prefer? Facebook, connects to old friends
        ·         Blogger or website? Depends, I’m neither
        ·         What does your family say about your career? Supportive or Clueless. My family is supportive but I don’t know if they really grasp the concept of what it means to write and get published.

And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know.

Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers.


The dreams came and they were not pleasant at all. It was our world, consumed by darkness. Everywhere I looked the fae were fighting. Fires consumed everything, the trees where the Napaeas called home, the mountains the dwarves inhabited, the castle the Elves lived where empty and trashed. The sun, which use to be so radiant and bright, was dark and cold. Our realm has turned into a permanent night full of darkness and evil. This is not the world I knew. Where did everyone go? What happened? I walked for a while, stepping around the rubble tossed on the ground when I saw Aranhil having a fist fight with a Napaea.
“Aranhil! What are you doing? This is not who you are? What has gotten into you?” I moved closer and touched his arm. He immediately turned around and I could see his beautiful face has turned into a permanent snarl of anger and hate and his gorgeous eyes were no more. They have been replaced by the dark red eyes I saw on Gadrin. This cannot be happening! Backing away I saw him following me. Pulling his sword out and walking with it at his side. He raised it up, ready to attack.
“Aranhil please! Don’t do this!” Begging seemed to be the only option, but it didn’t help. I backed against someone and as I turned to see who it was, my arms were caught by someone else’s hands and I was spun around. Landon was on my one side while Keira was on the other holding me in place so that I couldn’t move. I knew that little bitch didn’t like me but this is way too surreal even for her.
“Guys, please. Let me go! What’s going on here? HELP! Somebody please help me!” I yelled but no one seem to hear or if they did, they obviously didn’t care. Aranhil moved closer, sword ready.
“It’s because of you that this has happened.” Aranhil said as he stopped a few feet away.
“Me? Why me?”
“You didn’t have the courage or the power to do what you were supposed to do and now the darkness has taken over. It’s all your fault and now you must pay.” his eyes started to glow like the gems on an evil statue. I tried to break free but Landon and Keira’s grip was too strong. The closer Aranhil came the more I struggled and screamed. No one cared and I was sure to die at the hand of the man who claimed to love me. What is this world coming to? He lifted his sword, the metal from the sword glowed with the reflection of the fire that surrounded us, and with one fast, elegant movement he brought it down and just as it was about to kill me, 

Buy links: Amazon Barnes and Noble

Next time on In the Limelight with
Jane Riddell
June 30, 2013

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