Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Limelight is on Paulette Harper Johnson

Welcome Paulette and thanks for agreeing being part of my very first post on this new blog
 'In Limelight with...'

This is a celebration of becoming a blogger myself. When I went back to the very first posts I posted I could see that I  was clueless about this new world that is now so familiar to me. Over time my blog has become my second home right here in my living room. 
Just a year back I had no idea what to post, write or say on my blog but I knew that I had to have one so that people would notice me. I wrote some silly stuff but it draw now attention and as I became a member of various sites I watched and learned. 
We met on Book blogs. You were asking for bloggers to help and I thought "Okay what do I have to loose" And so its started.
Here I am 122 followers and 159 posts later and I can only say what a great journey it has been thus far. Meeting so many authors and readers that has broaden my world greatly and I stand amazed on the road traveled.

I wanted to say thank you Paulette for allowing me to do a Book Barrage on your first book. I had no idea what a Book Barrage meant at that stage, but you took a chance and as they say the rest is history.

With everyone celebrating and do great giveaways to celebrate their own 1 year Bash I knew it was not the road I wanted to take and I thought about it for quit some time before an idea took form.

So when the idea was formed I immediately jump on it and the responses so far is simply awesome. I am humbled and honored in so many ways. 
Curious by nature I thought I would love to catch up with all the authors that was willing to give me a chance reviewing their books and see what they are up to since the last time I reviewed a book or post a Book Barrage for them.

So I think it very fitting to start with the same person who started it all for me Paulette Harper Johnson.

So without any further delay I put the limelight back on you.

1.  Are you famous is the general question I get when family and friends introduces me to their friends. It always left me with a pause as quick comebacks filters through my mind but ending up saying something like ….”Oh gee thanks” and give a shy smile. 
(a)Does this happen to you and (b) what do you say?
Yes this does happen to me. I usually say “Yes. I am an author” and give a large grin.

       2.  In general do you like to talk about your writing and published books or are you very close-lip about it? If no why?
I love sharing about my books and my publishing journey. Not everyone can write a book and to be blessed with the ability to be able to write is so rewarding.

      3. What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about?
My first Christian Fiction novel “The Sanctuary” will be released in May 2013. “The Sanctuary, a gripping Christian Fiction tale of unyielding faith, dark secrets, and the difficult road to redemption.”

       4. Why this particular genre?
 Writing a fiction book is something I’ve always wanted to do. The time came, the idea developed and the  manuscript was written.

      5.  What inspire or motivate you to write? 
My motivation comes from a desire to carry out what I believe is God’s plan for my life. I write to empower, motivate and cultivate women.

      6.  What is the writing process like for you?
My writing process begins in a quiet place away from noise.  I can pretty much sit at the computer and write until my mind gets on overload or the ideas are not coming to me as fast.

      7.  What is the best and/ or worst part of being a writer?
I would say the best part of writing is developing the story and or plot and seeing how the characters enfold.  The worst part about writing is keeping my deadlines and not getting distracted.

      8. Any advice for struggling writers? 
The only advice I would give to struggling writers is to possibly try attending some type of writing conference or join a writer’s forum that will help you get over the bumps.

      9. What is your favorite genre to read or write?
My favorite genre to write is non-fiction

      10. Favorite author?
I have several favorite authors.   Inspirational authors such as Joyce Myers and T.D. Jakes are on my list. Fiction author would include Michelle Stimpson.

      11.   Do you have a favorite spot to read and write?
My favorite spot to read is in my bed. However my favorite spot to write is on my kitchen table.

      12.   What do you like to do when not writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m promoting authors by way of Virtual Book Tours and coaching.

       13.   Do you have a bucket list and would you share at least two things on it?
 I sure do have a bucket list or vision board.  I’d like to go to Paris and the other is to go snorkeling.

      14.   This or that questions:
             ·         Coffee or Tea - Coffee
             ·         Sweet or sour – sweet
             ·         Home make meal or takeouts – home made meals
             ·         Winter or summer – summer
             ·         Night-owl or Early-Bird – Night owl
             ·         Telephone or visits –  visits
             ·         Which social network do you prefer? Facebook
             ·         Blogger or website? Both
             ·         What does your family say about your career? Supportive or Clueless.
              My family is quite supportive. They promote me by not only purchasing my books but they talk about me to their friends.

And Finally

Moto/wisdom in life you live by. 

My motto “Intentionally Living a Life on Purpose.”

Contact details and buy links of the newest books you would like the readers to know. 
My latest book Completely Whole can be purchased on my website: or Amazon

Congratulation on the new book 'The Sanctuary'  Paulette, I hope that this book would be as fruitful as all your other endeavors you have going on and that your life would be the example of a grace carrier where every you go.

Well our time is up and I want to thank Paulette once again for her willingness to share with me and the readers something about her self. 
I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

My next author would be the author of 'Gated' Matt Dabble
on April 07, 2013

Until then thanks for visiting
In the Lime light with....

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